Bejelentkezés \ Regisztráció

Otthonról végezhető munkáink

Otthonról végezhető munkáink

    iOS app developer

    Sajnos ez a hirdetés már nem aktuális, kérlek nézz körül az aktuális állásajánlatok között.


    💻 Our partners deal with Big Data, Blockchain, Microsoft Azure, O365, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, IoT, chatbot technologies, besides custom application development, and design and build data warehouses and business intelligence systems using state-of-the-art technologies.

    🍎 Develop iOS application for iPhone phone independently.
    🍎 Develop a map application for iPhone based on the instructions provided and publish it to the App Store
    🍎 Perform support tasks
    🍎 The application must use the appropriate Google Maps API

    🟨 Ongoing IT studies, or any studies + IOS development experience
    🟨 iOS programming skills
    🟨 CV with relevant experience or references
    🟨 Fluency in Hungarian or English
    🟨 Ability to work independently

    ⌚ Hours of work: flexible, during pre-arranged periods

    ❗ How to apply:
    1️⃣ Register on Schö
    2️⃣ Fill in a CV on Schö

    * If you are over 25 years of age, 15% of your gross salary will be deducted from your PIT. If you are under 25 years old, you will be exempt from PIT, so you can consider your gross salary as net, up to the average wage in the national economy, which is HUF 576,601 per month.

    Szükséges nyelvtudás

    Hungarian or English (Advanced)

    Kiválasztásnál előnyt jelent

    Swift knowledge

    Heti óraszám

    10 - 20 óra

    Munkavégzés helye

    Home Office


    Br. 2600-3000 Ft/óra*